While you may hear a lot of harsh words about Rust is this rant, that doesn't have to mean it's a bad language. Rephrasing the classic: there are two types of programming languages: ones that people…
Bartosz Sypytkowski
A collection of 71 posts
Reading tens of thousands of Redis Streams at the time
In this blog post we'll discuss challenges and solutions for concurrent reading from massive amount of Redis streams without running into limitations of the Redis protocol or our machine resources. First let's describe our problem. We…
Can Yrs fit my table?
In this blog post we'll design a collaborative 2D table structure using yrs - Rust port of popular yjs conflict-free replicated data types library for creating real-time, local-first apps. We'll also cover some optimizations to improve…
Non-interleaving Linear Sequence (LSeq) CRDT
Today we're going to jump into LSeq - one of the famous text-editing conflict-free replicated data types we briefly introduced in the past blog posts. This time we're aiming for fixing one of the popular issues…
How does continuous backup and point-in-time recovery work in databases
Today we'll explain how do modern databases allow us to perform backups without blocking - thus enabling users to operate on them while the backup is beign made continuously in the background. We'll also show how…
Conflict-free Replicated Spread Sheets
In this blog post we're going to cover a concepts and implementation behind collaborative 2-dimensional tables, with set of operation that could make them useful to work as spread sheets - popular in products like MS Excel or…
WebAssembly and replayable functions
... or how to make a non-deterministic functions deterministic through the power of isolated WASM sandbox. This time we'll go through the problems of unpredictability in code, which execution could be affected by external factors like I/O operations,…
State of Yrs in May 2023
This blog post is a short summary of ecosystem and capabilities of Yrs (read: wires): a fully-compatible Rust port of Yjs library used to build collaborative peer-to-peer applications thanks to the power of Conflict-free Replicated Data Types. They are being…