Optimizing event journals

In this post I want to talk a little about some little optimization techniques, we've applied to some of the journals used in Akka.NET - those working with SQL backends. Before you read further - this post…

Quest for optionally asynchronous APIs

In this blog post I wanted to share with some of the improvements, we've made while working on the FSharp.Data.GraphQL [https://github.com/bazingatechnologies/FSharp.Data.GraphQL] library. To start with I'm going to…

Don't Ask, Tell

Today I wanted to focus on some of the popular anti-patterns, many Akka.NET newcomers tend to use. I'm talking about using Ask method for communicating between actors. I want to get a closer look into what Ask…

About Finite State Machines

One of the problem I see with explaining usefulness of Finite State Machines design to web developers is similar to explaining the monads - once you've get them, you loose the ability to explain them to others. It&…

Akka.NET underestimated features - Akka.IO

Today I want to talk about one of the Akka.NET features, I think deserves a lot more attention - Akka.IO. What it gives you, is the ability to connect your actors directly to OS socket layer. This way…

How Akka.NET persistence works?

In this post I'll explain, how the events sourcing concepts has been used by Akka.NET persistence plugin to create statefull actors being persisted and work in reliable way. My major goal is to give you an introduction…