In this post I'll explain, how the events sourcing concepts has been used by Akka.NET persistence plugin to create statefull actors being persisted and work in reliable way. My major goal is to give you an introduction…
Bartosz Sypytkowski
A collection of 71 posts
How to create an Akka.NET cluster in F#
Today I'm going to show you how to setup your own Akka.NET cluster using F# code. This is a kind of newbie guide of how to setup a cluster, directed to people unfamiliar with it. If you…
Akka.NET application logging in your browser
In this post I want to share with fairly simple trick - binding Akka.NET logging bus directly to browser console output. While this is mostly form of exercise, you may find it useful when you're developing system…
Create your own Akka.NET persistence plugin
Subject of this post is one of the Akka.NET plugins, Akka.Persistence. It’s major task is to give your actors an ability to store their internal state and recover it from the persistent storage after actor is created…
Design patterns: Circuit Breaker
Today I want to introduce a CircuitBreaker – one of the reactive design patterns, especially usefull in areas such as web services interop. To get you better understand on it’s concepts, lets consider following scenario: > You’ve built a…
[C#] A different look at service design
Today I want to present a different point of view on C# applications design. If you are programming in that language most of the time, it’s probably not what you’re used to see. However I found it interesting,…
Akka.NET remote deployment with F#
Today I want to present how Akka.NET can be used to leverage distributed computing and discuss some of the changes in the latest F# package (Akka.FSharp 0.7.1). If you are not interested in explanation of how…
Hipsterize your backend for The Greater Good with Akka.NET, F# and some DDD flavor
Initially this post was supposed to cover concepts of implementing an example DDD (Domain Driven Design) architecture using F# and Akka.NET. But the more I’ve written, the more I’ve realized that whole idea won’t fit into…