[C#] Using gRPC with custom serializers

I've decided to write this post, because I've noticed a little lack of gRPC-related knowledge in .NET community. For those of you who are not familiar with it - gRPC [http://www.grpc.io/] is a…

Optimizing event journals

In this post I want to talk a little about some little optimization techniques, we've applied to some of the journals used in Akka.NET - those working with SQL backends. Before you read further - this post…

Quest for optionally asynchronous APIs

In this blog post I wanted to share with some of the improvements, we've made while working on the FSharp.Data.GraphQL [https://github.com/bazingatechnologies/FSharp.Data.GraphQL] library. To start with I'm going to…

Don't Ask, Tell

Today I wanted to focus on some of the popular anti-patterns, many Akka.NET newcomers tend to use. I'm talking about using Ask method for communicating between actors. I want to get a closer look into what Ask…

About Finite State Machines

One of the problem I see with explaining usefulness of Finite State Machines design to web developers is similar to explaining the monads - once you've get them, you loose the ability to explain them to others. It&…

Akka.NET underestimated features - Akka.IO

Today I want to talk about one of the Akka.NET features, I think deserves a lot more attention - Akka.IO. What it gives you, is the ability to connect your actors directly to OS socket layer. This way…