Quest for optionally asynchronous APIs

In this blog post I wanted to share with some of the improvements, we've made while working on the FSharp.Data.GraphQL [] library. To start with I'm going to…

Akka.NET remote deployment with F#

Today I want to present how Akka.NET can be used to leverage distributed computing and discuss some of the changes in the latest F# package (Akka.FSharp 0.7.1). If you are not interested in explanation of how…

Actor supervisors in Akka.NET FSharp API

This post will describe changes, that will affect a F# API for Akka.NET in the incoming versions of the framework (>= 0.62) – mostly those, which concerns supervisioning and manipulating actor hierarchies. I don’t want to overload this…

Map reduce with FSharp and

In my previous post, I’ve shown how to create a simple hello world application using system leveraged with a F# API. Today, I’ll show a slightly more complex example. We’ll create a simple Map-Reduce system…

FSharp and - the functional way

Actor model is one of the most influential paradigms of dealing with highly concurrent environments in present world. Simplifying, it’s based on concept of autonomous thread-safe computation units – surprisingly called actors – with no way to directly interfere with each…

Value absence - why Scala/F# approach is bad?

Handling an absent values is one of the most common problems in programming languages. Why we consider this so important? It’s because data processing is essential task of every program ever made. And one of the main reasons of…