This time we're going to cover a new implementation of persistent key value store, using Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs) to enable multi-process writes. Moreover, this approach enables shift of replication protocol from custom made gossip servers into…
A collection of 27 posts
Non-interleaving Linear Sequence (LSeq) CRDT
Today we're going to jump into LSeq - one of the famous text-editing conflict-free replicated data types we briefly introduced in the past blog posts. This time we're aiming for fixing one of the popular issues…
How does continuous backup and point-in-time recovery work in databases
Today we'll explain how do modern databases allow us to perform backups without blocking - thus enabling users to operate on them while the backup is beign made continuously in the background. We'll also show how…
Conflict-free Replicated Spread Sheets
In this blog post we're going to cover a concepts and implementation behind collaborative 2-dimensional tables, with set of operation that could make them useful to work as spread sheets - popular in products like MS Excel or…
State of Yrs in May 2023
This blog post is a short summary of ecosystem and capabilities of Yrs (read: wires): a fully-compatible Rust port of Yjs library used to build collaborative peer-to-peer applications thanks to the power of Conflict-free Replicated Data Types. They are being…
CRDTs & Security: Authentication
Today we're going to continue exploration of Conflict-free Replicated Data Types domain. This time we'll start designing protocols that focus on a security aspects as first class citizens. Managing security and permissions in peer-to-peer systems may…
Plumtree - epidemic broadcast trees
Some time ago, we covered an idea behind HyParView, a cluster membership protocol that allowed for very fast and scalable cluster construction. It did so by using the concept of partial view: while our cluster could be build out of…
Conflict-free reordering
In this blog post we'll define the basics for a move operation used by Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDT), which allows us to reorder the items in the collection. We'll define the general approach and go…