Operation-based CRDTs: arrays (part 2)

Last time [https://www.bartoszsypytkowski.com/operation-based-crdts-arrays-1/] we were discussing how to build a Commutative Replicated Data Types operating as indexed sequences - preserving order of inserted elements - using two different data structures: Linear Sequences (LSeq) and Replicated Growable…

Operation-based CRDTs: arrays (part 1)

In this post, we'll continue onto topic of Commutative Replicated Data Types. We already mentioned [https://www.bartoszsypytkowski.com/operation-based-crdts-registers-and-sets/#sets] how to prepare first, the most basic types of collections: sets. This time we'll go…

Operation-based CRDTs: registers and sets

Last time [https://www.bartoszsypytkowski.com/operation-based-crdts-protocol/] we started our operation-based CRDTs sub-series, as we moved away from state-based CRDTs. We talked mostly about core requirements and sample implementation of RCB (Reliable Causal Broadcast) protocol, which was necessary to provide…

Operation based CRDTs: protocol

Today we'll continue a series about CRDTs, this time however we'll stray from the path of state-based CRDTs and start talking about their operation-based relatives. The major difference that we need to cover, is the center…

Make your cluster SWIM

In this blog post we'll cover how systems form clusters, what clusters actually are and what are their responsibilities. We'll also present different protocols responsible to serve the needs of the clusters with a various tradeoffs…

State-based CRDTs: Maps

In this blog post, we'll cover the idea of CRDT maps, and how we could create them and utilize them in common scenarios. A prerequisite for this talk is some general knowledge of CRDTs, especially observed-remove sets [https:…